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Category: WordPress Themes
[Google Map] Web Link to show direction from user’s current location
Nowadays Google Maps can show direction from user’s current location to any specified place easily. Here is how to accomplish that in link on the web (<a>)
[ACF] Solution to Google Maps not showing in ACF
ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) is the plugin that I used on almost every client projects. The Google Maps API used to work perfectly fine on ACF. However, due to the update on Google Maps API, it is now required API Key. This article will show you how to solve this problem.
Adding 100% Fluid Width Facebook Comment
It’s painful to realize that one of the biggest Social Network in the world doesn’t allow fluid width comment box.
[Foundation 6 & WordPress] SyntaxError: class is a reserved identifier class
I got this error when trying to use foundation 6’s JavaScript from Essential pack (downloaded from here:
[WordPress] Custom URL using add_rewrite_rule
In the recent project, the clients would like to have pretty URL for good SEO in WordPress. Since the URL structure for WordPress is pretty limited, I have to try rewriting custom URL for client.
[WordPress] Getting top posts from Jetpack API
Since WordPress’s Jetpack has done a great job for us to collect statistics on our blogs, we should use these stats to benefit our readers. It is way better than using WP-PostViews which will consume our server resources especially the database.
[WordPress] ดึง Widget มาแสดงใน Template ด้วย PHP ง่าย ๆ
ไม่เคยรู้มาก่อนว่าเราสามารถดึง Widget ที่อยู่ใน Appearance > Widgets ต่าง ๆ มาแสดงใน Template ได้เลย โดยไม่ต้องสร้าง Sidebar มารองรับ