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Life in 2021: Year in Review
Another year with COVID-19. Thank you everyone for coming into my life in 2021. Hope you had a great year.
This is the summary of my 2021 in 3 themes.
1. A year of giving
As I turned 30 this year, I started to realise I enjoy sharing what I learned – through blogging, videos, and classes. This might be my Ikigai.
I am fortunate to meet Kessurang Nat Kansuwan who shared the same value.
The incomplete list of what I’ve accomplished in 2021:
- Organised Data Talk Chill #3: a 1-day data science conference. We had a great turn up of 200+ attendees. We invited 15 speakers, and worked through the event with 7 team members led by Jan Sudarat
- Spoke at many events and universities in both English and Thai: Shopee with Sorratat Sirirattanajakarin, Prince of Songkla University, Chiang Mai University, PTT with Chongko Channel, What The Duck with DataRockie
- Published 30 free data science articles on Data – Data Science ชิลชิล with Meow Chaiyabud
- Helped 1000+ people to get started on data engineering career with Fony LewprasertAnantaya ChatsrirungBoonjira AngsumaleePetch ChaimaNuttun Chitsomboonmit
- Worked with Watcharapon Charoenwongjongdee to help many brands go digital
Next year: Grow data science community in Thailand further. Many secret (?) events coming up. Stay tune for more info
2. A year of moving
Moved to the new, much bigger apartment in Melbourne in Feb. I enjoyed a nice park view from my workstation, with standing desk and 2 monitors
Moved back to Thailand temporarily at the start of Nov. This is unplanned move which surprisingly gave me time to step back from day-to-day job, and see what really matters
Travelled to many places – Sydney, Chiang Mai, and Ayutthaya
Next year: Planned to go back to Australia in the early 2022. Let’s see where life takes us
3. A year of investment
Increased investment portfolio dramatically. My net worth is now at 10% cash + 90% investment portfolio
Investment portfolio: 10% Crypto + 50% stocks + 40% ETF + Mutual Funds
+6% profit overall this year
Next year: Give a bit of a pause to investment since I am not comfortable holding less than 10% cash on hand. Not yet.
Happy New Year 2022 everyone. See you in 2022
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