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Category: WordPress
[WordPress] Uploaded image is not showing! or showing as transparent field
This is one of the most common WordPress problems. Yet there is no tutorial that can describe all the cause and solution. Today I found another cause and solution, therefore I would like to share with other people who might get into this problem as well.
[Google Map] Web Link to show direction from user’s current location
Nowadays Google Maps can show direction from user’s current location to any specified place easily. Here is how to accomplish that in link on the web (<a>)
[ACF] Solution to Google Maps not showing in ACF
ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) is the plugin that I used on almost every client projects. The Google Maps API used to work perfectly fine on ACF. However, due to the update on Google Maps API, it is now required API Key. This article will show you how to solve this problem.
Adding 100% Fluid Width Facebook Comment
It’s painful to realize that one of the biggest Social Network in the world doesn’t allow fluid width comment box.
[WordPress] Solution when define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); is not working
Generally, when we added define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); to wp-config.php, it should disable every warning & notice on the website.
[WPML & WooCommerce] Some fields like SKU are not copied to translation
I encountered the problem of some fields are not copied when translating WooCommerce Product e.g. SKU. Here is how I fixed it
[WordPress] Fix: Cannot update WordPress to new version (Cannot create directory)
Just run this command in terminal: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www find /var/www/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find /var/www/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; Note that if your WordPress is in the other place than /var/www, make sure to change the path in command above before running.
[Foundation 6 & WordPress] SyntaxError: class is a reserved identifier class
I got this error when trying to use foundation 6’s JavaScript from Essential pack (downloaded from here: