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Category: HTML/CSS
WordPress VS React – What I learned from my first day with React
Things you need to know to get started with React. For all React beginners.
[Google Map] Web Link to show direction from user’s current location
Nowadays Google Maps can show direction from user’s current location to any specified place easily. Here is how to accomplish that in link on the web (<a>)
[Solution] How to fix Thai Google Fonts not working
Recently, Thai Google Fonts are becoming popular due to how easy it is to implement and the outstanding designs by CadsonDemak.
Adding 100% Fluid Width Facebook Comment
It’s painful to realize that one of the biggest Social Network in the world doesn’t allow fluid width comment box.
[Foundation 6 & WordPress] SyntaxError: class is a reserved identifier class
I got this error when trying to use foundation 6’s JavaScript from Essential pack (downloaded from here:
[Bootstrap] How to use Font Awesome in form submit button
(Tested in Font Awesome with Bootstrap 4) I usually use Font Awesome as a fa-* class in <i> tag, but little did I know that it is possible to use Font Awesome in <input> tag.